What is Biofeedback Therapy

We all have possibilty to tap into the higher consciousness, expand and unfold its full potential. We all can expand our awarness and see the unseen.

I have personal autonomy to choose the life I want to lead and the life I would like to offer you to lead. If people are given an opportunity to learn vital information based on science and reason then the opportunity is beyond limit and experience.



There is not only one truth, one knowledge, or one view of how we perceive ourselves and the world around us. But there is only one truth that is ours and vibrates with the same frequency of our body, mind, and soul. My purpose is to educate, inform, and inspire you to find and live your truth through conscious living and realization we are all interconnected with everyone and everything on our beautiful planet Earth.



What is Quantum Biofeedback?


What is bioenergetic testing? More than seventy percent of patients who visit most any general practice are suffering from what is known as a functional disturbance.

In simple terms, a functional disturbance occurs when no specific tissue or organ damage can be identified by conventional lab work or traditional pathological diagnostic testing. However, the patient continues to experience multiple symptoms. Where traditional approaches fall short, the Qest4 system introduces a new perspective, effectively utilizing your body's own energy with the technology of bioenergetic screening.

Many people can benefit greatly from the insight obtained through bioenergetic testing. This type of testing is also known as MSA testing. Research concerning bio-energetic testing has been well documented in university studies using various methods of traditional diagnostics.

Quantum Biofeedback is a new technology that assists health practitioners in finding energetic imbalances in humans (or animals). Based on Quantum Physics this technology reveals what are the “stressors” affecting your physical health as well as any mental or emotional imbalance by calculating the biological reactivity and resonance in your body. The data offers an understanding of your possible needs, dysfunction and vulnerabilities.

The information focuses on your energetic body which offers a more complete view of each facet of your health.

The Quest4 signals back to energetically unblock, release or rebalance the body systems and assist in the healing process along with other therapies and/or lifestyle changes if needed. An important part of the healing process is also to bring to your awareness all the factors creating stress and disease states in your own body so you can work on the necessary changes and adjustments.

It is very safe as the system is set with a special biofeedback loop that continually monitors you every second.

Movement has proved immense benefits in trauma recovery. Our mind-body connection is critical to healing traumas held in the body in ways that cannot always be expressed with words. My goal is to empower everyone who is in doubt that there is a way to achieve the best possible physical, emotional, spiritual health, and well-being.

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